
Chinese Version

.com / .net / .org
CAD$28 per year¡C

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CAD$56 per 2 years ¡C

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CAD$56 per 2 years¡C

.cc / .cn / .tv

CAD$80 per year¡C

Hosting Web Hosting Web Hosting
January 31,2008.

The current job opportunities in Iathosting.com :

  1. Network Administrator
  2. Internet Programmer
  3. Sales Representative
  4. Webpage Graphics Designer

Network Administrator

Iathosting.com is looking for a position of Network Administrator. The candidate must be highly self-motivated, must communicate well, and have the ability to conduct network sniffs and properly interpret the result. Other day to day work will involve setting up and configuring servers, writing scripts, supporting and monitoring production systems, and writing documentation.

The ideal candidate will possess the following attributes:

  • The Unix/Network Systems Administrator must be competent, bright and well educated with strong networking skills.
  • Must be willing to work long hours.
  • Have thorough knowledge of at least one Operating System such as Windows NT,2000,2003 or RedHat Linux (ENSIM).
  • Must have strong understanding of Ethernet, TCP/IP and related core internet protocols.
  • Candidate should be familiar with relevant RFCs.

Internet Programmer

Iathosting.com is looking for a position of Internet Programmer. The candidate must be highly self-motivated, must communicate well, and have the ability to present complex technology in a simple manner. Well organized, self-disciplined, and independent.

The ideal candidate will possess the following attributes:

  • Working knowledge of Windows 2000-XP, Linux, FreeBSD, Administration
  • Working knowledge of FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP network protocols
  • Strong programming skills in Perl, PHP, C, C++
  • Knowledge of Java, .net and aplus

Sales Representative

Iathosting.com is looking for a position of Sales Representative to further promote our Internet products and services, and develop new Internet services. The candidate must be highly self-motivated, must communicate well, and have the ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment while handling multiple tasks at the same time.

The ideal candidate will possess the following attributes:

  • Excellent verbal and written Chinese and English communication skills that will be used to create marketing materials, as well as face-to-face presentations with customers.
  • Ability to recognize and fulfill strategic/organizational Internet opportunities, to develop, drive and execute Internet business solutions.
  • Working experience in sales and marketing in Internet or related industry.
  • Hands-on familiarity with all aspects of web technology.

Webpage Graphics Designer

Iathosting.com is looking for a position of Internet Graphics Designer. The candidate must be highly self-motivated, must communicate well, and have the ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment while handling multiple tasks at the same time.

The ideal candidate will possess the following attributes:

  • Professional and creative graphics design skills in PhotoShop, Animated GIFs, Macromedia Director/Flash a plus.
  • Working knowledge in web graphics optimization, Chinese Fonts manipulation, and HTML.

For consideration, please send resume to resume@iathosting.com or by fax.
Iathosting.com is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

4190 Finch Ave. East, Unit 27006,
Toronto, Ontario,
M1S 5C2
Tel: (416) 287-1572
Fax: (866) 629-0194

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